"Amelia" - This movie version of "Amelia Earhart" is a look at the life of legendary American pilot "Amelia Earhart," (played by two-time Best Actress Oscar winner Hilary Swank), who disappeared while flying over the Pacific Ocean in 1937 in an attempt to make a flight around the world. "Amelia," the film, does not attempt to offer a solution to the mystery of the disappearance of "Amelia Earhart." Ron Bass delivered the "Amelia" movie script just before the WGA strike began, and he used Susan Butler's book "East to the Dawn," Mary Lovell's "The Sound of the Wings" and Elgin Long's "Amelia Earhart: The Mystery Solved" as primary resources. After becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic, Amelia was thrust into a new role as America's sweetheart - the legendary "goddess of light," known for her bold, larger-than-life charisma. Yet, even with her global fame solidified, her belief in flirting with danger and standing up as her own, outspoken woman never changed. She was an inspiration to people everywhere, from First Lady Eleanor
Also Known As: | Untitled (Noyce/Swank Amelia Earhart Project) |
Production Status: | In Production/Awaiting Release |
Logline: | The story of the relationship between famed aviatrix Amelia Earhart and her husband George Putnam. |
Genres: | Drama and Biopic |
Release Date: | October 23rd, 2009 (wide) |
MPAA Rating: | PG for some sensuality, language, thematic elements and smoking. |
Distributors: | Fox Searchlight Pictures |
Production Co.: | Avalon Pictures |
Studios: | Fox Searchlight Pictures |
Filming Locations: | Nova Scotia, Canada Tornto, Ontario, Canada Hawaii, USA |
Produced in: | United States |
Genres: | Drama and Biopic |
Release Date: | October 23rd, 2009 (wide) |
MPAA Rating: | |
Distributors: | Fox Searchlight Pictures |